Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Saint Jude The Master Par excellence, The Compassionate and the Saviour

Saint Jude the apostle and the great disciple of Jesus has only compassion and nothing but compassion. Innumerable time I have experienced his patronage and pampering inspite of being a faith free person. Religion is the stepping stone to spirituality and the great saint proves it again and again.

He champions the causes of the least, the lost and the last. I have no words to explain about my Master and could only pray for his continued blessings, patronage and guidance in my journey in this turbulent world among the ever growing souls who are still to come out of the evil influences.

I pray to my lord and Master Saint Jude for his continued help and blessings. If you need an urgent help, kindly post a comment here and I am sure the Master would answer your prayers!